My Dad cheated on mom and wrote that in a dairy. We found the dairy and saw everything. My mom was devastated me and brother had nothing to say. Between all these I was at my grandma’s house we enjoyed a lot and my family friends attended the ceremony of some kind too. My friends were there for me every step. My crush who has hurt me apologized a little. And my dad had zero remorse that was horrible of all.
This dream can symbolize a mixture of emotions and conflicts you might have been experiencing in your waking life. The revelation of your dad cheating on your mom and writing it in a diary suggests feelings of betrayal, deceit, and broken trust within your family dynamic. This event seems to have deeply affected your mom, leaving her devastated, while you and your brother might be struggling with your own emotions and finding it challenging to express your thoughts about the situation.
Being at your grandma's house and enjoying your time with family and friends indicates a desire for comfort, support, and stability during difficult times. The presence of your friends attending a ceremony signifies their loyalty and willingness to be there for you, offering their friendship and support. This can be reassuring and significant for you as you navigate through these emotions.
The apology from your crush, who has hurt you in the past, implies that there might be unresolved feelings or issues between you two. It could symbolize a desire for forgiveness, closure, or healing in that relationship. However, the minimal remorse shown by your dad in the dream may indicate a lack of accountability or understanding of the implications of his actions, which can be deeply distressing for you.
Overall, this dream may be reflective of the emotional turmoil you are experiencing due to the betrayal within your family, as well as your longing for support and resolution in your relationships. It is important to address these feelings in your waking life, express your emotions, and seek support from those you trust.